工程,项目,工程管理,项目管理,国际工程,项目经理,房地产,融资,可行性研究,总承包,信息化,代建制,招投标,设计管理,进度,成本,风险,质量,概预算,造价,合同管理,施工组织,监理,工程咨询,保险,劳务,FIDIC,索赔,BOT,PPP,PMC 中国工程管理网,关注工程的策划,建设与运营。 工程,项目,工程管理,项目管理,国际工程,项目经理,房地产,融资,可行性研究,总承包,信息化,代建制,招投标,设计管理,进度,成本,风险,质量,概预算,造价,合同管理,施工组织,监理,工程咨询,保险,劳务,FIDIC,索赔,BOT,PPP,PMC 中国工程管理网,关注工程的策划,建设与运营。
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作者:佚名  文章来源:建设工程教育网  点击数  更新时间:2011/12/26 20:28:34  文章录入:web13741  责任编辑:web13741


  「5」Glenn Ballard. Lean Project Delivery System.[J] Lean Construction Institute.2000.9

  「6」Herman Glenn Ballard. The Last Planner System of Production Control. The University of Birmingham.2000.

  Lean Material Flow Management of Construction Enterprises

  (HUST, Wuhan,430074)

  Abstract: The material cost takes up a greater proportion in the total cost of construction enterprise, through reducing the material cost to reduce the total cost of construction enterprise, and Lean Supply Management is one effective material management way. This paper firstly analyzed the disadvantage of traditional construction enterprise material management pattern, based on this foundation proposing material lean supply chain; secondly analyzed the foundation of material lean supply chain: construction enterprise information, construction processes reengineering based on lean construction and lean construction; thirdly analyzed the model and key factors of Lean Material Flow Management; finally, give some constructive advice to implement the material lean supply chain.

  Key words: Construction Enterprise; Lean Construction; Lean Supply

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